Pillars of Faith

Nova Name: Lita

Real Name: Amy Dumas
Eruption: Exposure
Nature: Follower
Alleigance: Nova Kombat League
Concept: High Flying Girl

    Amy Dumas worked as a waitress and a secratary before coming to Ohio Valley Wrestling as 'Miss Congeniality'.  As a student wrestler she studied the Lucha style of Mexico before wrestling in the WWF.  Her style is heavily influenced by her roots.  When she erupted after being exposed to a retrovirus that activates Latency she immedietely joined the Nova Kombat League.

Roleplaying Notes:
    Nova Kombat's original fly girl and first female champion has a very unusual power.  She can cause her tattoo to come alive and attack.  It burns with a green flame and is very strong, but not that much stronger than a mitoid.

    Strength: 2, Dexterity: 5, Stamina: 4, Perception: 3, Intelligence: 4, Wits: 5, Appearance: 5, Manipulation: 1, Charisma: 3

    Brawl 1, Athletics 5 (Fall), Drive 1, Martial Arts 4, Endurance 3, Resistance 3, Alertness 3, Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Linguistics 1 (Spanish), Biz 2, Rapport 1, Intimidation 1, Style 3, Streetwise 1, Subterfuge 1, Command 1, Etiquette 2, Perform 2

    Allies 2, Dormancy 1, Node 2, Resources 3

Mega Attributes:
    Mega Dexterity  2 (Quickness)
    Mega Stamina  2 (Resiliency)
    Mega Wits  2 (Enhanced Initiative)
    Mega Appearance  1 (Seductive Looks)

    Willpower: 6, Quantum: 4, Taint: 0, Quantum Pool: 28, Initiative: 14 (19)

Quantum Powers:
    Quantum Projection  3 (Str: 3, Dex: 2, Sta: 3; Subpowers: Immolate: 1, Increase Density: 1, Armor: 1)
    Intuition  1


Health levels:
    Bruised, Hurt, Injured, Wounded, Maimed, Crippled, Incapacitated, Dead