Pillars of Faith by William Adams  

Pillars of Faith

Quantum Projection

     Level:  2
     Quantum Minimum:  3
     Dice Pool:  N/A
     Range:  Special
     Area:  Self
     Duration:  Concentration
     Effect:  Allows the Nova to project his Quantum Consciousness as a solid energy construct.
     Multiple Actions:  No
     Desctription:  The nova can project an energy Avatar that acts as he dictates at a distance determined by the level of the power. The nova concentrates on the projection to direct its actions. The level of the power determines the strength and durability of the energy projection.
  Quantum Projection
     Str:  1, Dex:  2, Sta:  1, Four Health Levels
     Str:  2, Dex:  2, Sta:  2, Normal Health Levels
     Str:  3, Dex:  2, Sta:  3, Add 4 'Hurt' Health Levels
     Str:  4, Dex:  3, Sta:  4, Add 8 'Hurt' Health Levels
     Str:  5, Dex:  4, Sta:  5, Add 12 'Hurt' Health Levels
The Projection has one dot in a power per level of the Quantum Projection Power. These powers function the same as the subpowers of Bodymorph and once chosen cannot be changed. Examples of projections may include an Astral Projection type construct that has mostly Density Control (Decrease) and Flight. Other projections have displayed the EMP technique from Magnetic Mastery, Immolate and Force Field. Only level one and level two powers can be incorporated this way but dots can also be assigned to Mega Attributes, Enhancements and Body Modifications. Powers assigned dots in a Quantum Projection cannot have Extras.
     The Quantum Projection can act at a range determined by the chart below. However the projection must originally be created within sensory range of the nova. After that the projection can go beyond that range, up to the limits dictated by the level of the quantum projection, while at the same time allowing the nova to sense everything from the perspective of the projection. To use any enhanced senses the construct must either possess those senses as part of its power allottment or the nova must have the Body Double Extra for this power. Beyond the range listed below the projection dissipitates.
     1 kilometer
     10 kilometers
     100 kilometers
     1,000 kilometers
     10,000 kilometers
The projection acts as a remote extension of the nova and in some cases may lead to especially powerful or sensitive novas to discern the location of the sending nova. In any case where the nova needs to hide his location from detection by a nova who might be able to sense him across the distance the nova can roll Wits + Quantum Projection and add a number of automatic successes equal to his Quantum to resist remote detection.
     Extras:  Body Double (The projection can use the Mega Attributes and Enhancements of the creating nova. Also the projection has the same Attributes and Health levels of the nova. Do not add any Health levels for a higher level Quantum Projection.); Extended Range (The nova rolls Perception + Quantum Projection and adds a number of automatic successes equal to his Quantum score and then consults the chart under Teleport to determine how far the projection can range.); Full Power (The player can choose one power for each level in Quantum Projection and that power is considered to be equal in level to the rating in Quantum Projection. Mega Attributes and Body Modifications can also be chosen in which case the projection recieves one Body Modification per level or one dot in a Mega Attribute or Enhancement per level. Example:  A level 4 Quantum Projection has Force Field, Immolate, Mega Stamina and Extra Health Levels as its four subpowers. Force Field and Immolate have a rating of four dots each. Mega Stamina could be at four dots or it could be at any combination of dots and Enahancements trading one dot for an Enhancement. In this case the projection has Mega Stamina 2 and the Regeneration and Resiliency Enhancements. And Finally the projection can have any four Body Modifications. In this case it has Spines, +1 Bruised Health Level and +4 Maimed Health Levels. Note that every two Maimed Health Levels are a single Body Modification.); Power Channelling (The nova can channel any of his Quantum Powers through the projection. The effects of these powers are treated as if originating from the projection except that the nova uses his own attributes and power levels to determine the effect. If both the projection and the nova have the same power their effects are not considered cumulative. The nova must either roll the dice pool of the projection or his own.)

All Images are Copyright © 2002 William Adams and cannot be reproduced without permission.
Some Characters are inspired by the TV show Buffy The Vampire Slayer and their use here does not represent a challenge to any pre-existing copyrights or trademarks.
Warning: This comic may include adult situations and suggestive dialogue not suited for minors.

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